Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 5: Pooping right and my Philips GoGear

Ok, I have not posted for the past four days. I'll try my best to make up my absence of internet with all the things in my mind that are pending to be written on this newly designed blog. ;)

Pooping, the right way

Can you believe that our simple act of sitting while pooping is actually wrong?

I came across a lot of articles around the internet (Yahoo News, etc.) and found out that one of the things that people are doing wrong is the way we pass our bowels. 

Sitting down on the toilet bowl (just like all of us are used to) is actually making us prone to hemorrhoids. And the correct way to do it? See the second illustration on the below photo:

Which (I suppose) could only be (comfortably) accomplished (unlike the above awkward squat on the above photo), when our toilet bowls would be something like this:

And now I wonder if this kind is available in our country.
Hmm, hemorrhoids, eh?

Eh mukhang nakakangawit naman yung pag-squat! Sheesh! >.<

My Philips GoGear 2GB

I do not know if anyone of you are aware of the radio show, Good Times with Mo: The Podcast, where every caller wins a gadget.

I had a chance to call the show one late evening when Maxene Magalona was the guest (check out Mo Twister's site, March 31 episode) and had the chance to ask her what is one love advice that her late father gave her. I learned that the Master's rapper's advice to her daughter was to treat every relationships as a training ground for marriage. Very nice point.

Anyway, back to my title. Because I had the chance to be on the show, I won a prize! And here it is, my Philips GoGear 2GB, delivered here in the office last friday by!

To my excitement, I quickly removed it from the box, charged it and put some songs on it. Wow, I really missed having one.

I actually went on my college years until my working days having an mp3 player hung around my neck (I forgot the first one I had, but it was 512GB, then it evolved to my (first) square Philips GoGear 1GB). I just stopped when my Philips broke down (it does not charge anymore), and because I almost always had company when I am travelling (where I listen to my mp3 player the most).

And since I have one again, it just feels great. Now I will not be lonely or bored during long and stressful travel hours.

Oh, one tip when using an mp3 player on the road: I strongly suggest that you use earphones, instead of headphones. When you are commuting or driving, you MUST be able to hear the outside world at least, or you might end up dead because you did not hear the vehicles beeping while you were crossing the street, or you might end up not reaching your destination because you were not able to hear when the bus conductor or MRT already announced the current place you are already in.

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